Simple ways to boost new mum social life
New mum? There are still ways you can have a social life

Pre-baby you may have had a great social life and it’s easy to think that’s all gone now that there’s a new addition to the family. The 3am feeds and early rises certainly make late night parties a thing of the past but you can still have a life. It will just be a different type of one!
As a new mum, you can fill your day being very busy with your new arrival but it’s important to make time for you too. Adult company is vital for your sanity. The early days of parenting are very demanding and can be lonely - support is vital.
Things change. Some of your old friends may be at different stages of their lives and not all friendships last the test of time. You may need to work on building a new network and that can feel quite scary. But there are other new mums in the same boat - it’s just a case of finding each other.
1. Play dates: True, newborns are quite happy with just us for company but adults thrive with the company of their peers. Motherhood can be a lonely place without friends so get out and about. Go for a coffee, a walk and a chat, it will help break the day. You can either coo at each other’s offspring - or complain about them, whichever suits!
2. Join a group: If you don’t know many friends who have babies of the same age, why not try a mother and baby group? Don’t feel shy, there are bound to be others feeling the same way. Give it a try. Consider an activity geared towards mums and babies such as mum and baby yoga, mother and baby swimming classes or baby massage. Again, a great way to meet people. Some cinemas organise baby/toddler film viewings, go along and try to strike up a conversation beforehand.
3. Go online: Parenting forums and mummy meet-ups apps can be a great place to chat to other mums and maybe even arrange to meet.
4. Date nights: Get family to babysit so that you and your partner can have a night off/out - or you can have a night out with the girls. Just because you’re a parent doesn’t mean your social life has to end completely, although with the early starts that accompany parenting, and afternoon tea or early supper may be more your thing these days – but decadent none-the-less so treat yourself.
5. Go solo: If you have good support, consider an activity that doesn’t involve your baby. Join a book club or start a yoga class. Don’t feel guilty about taking time away from the little one - we all need our ‘me’ time.