How to work out with baby in tow
5 ways to exercise with your baby

Having a baby is all consuming. Routine, structure and exercise go largely out the window for the first few months. You’d need to be Superwoman to ‘do it all’ and there really shouldn’t be any pressure to do anything other than enjoy the babymoon.
But for many new mums, finding time to be able to exercise is important, not just for the body but for emotional wellbeing as well. But how do you manage it? Are there ways where you can combine a work–out with minding the little one? The simple answer is yes, but sometimes you need to think outside the box!
1. Walk tall
Grab the buggy and go. Don’t wait for the good weather that may never come, a little rain never hurt anyone. Walking is great for the body and soul. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day and pushing a heavy stroller up a hill will add to the burn. It’s also great for your little one to get some fresh air.
2. Home workout
Try out a simple and free - floor workout at home. Google or YouTube provide plenty of baby friendly routines. You can incorporate them into the routine (as long as they are able to support their own head). A nice bit of mummy/baby bonding time, too and you can have plenty of cuddles as you tone up.
3. Mum and baby yoga class
For the more adventurous, why not check out a mum and baby yoga class. Model Gisele Bundchen, actresses Drew Barrymore and Hilary Duff are all known for involving their little ones in their yoga routines. As well as being a great way to tone your figure (and pelvic floor), it is also good for bonding and they say it can help a baby’s development when they start to walk and crawl. Once you learn the basics, you’ll be able to do a routine from home for free.
4. On your bike
Cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise and the average person can burn up to 350 calories with half an hour on a bike. Once your baby can sit up unaided and you have the right safety gear, including helmet and a carefully-fitted baby seat, why not hit the road together? As well as getting you fit, it’ll be a chance for him or her to take in the sights!
5. Carry me
If you use a baby carrier, incorporating your tot into an exercise routine is even easier. Strap them in and the world is your oyster. Go for a walk, a hike, or stay home and search ‘baby carrier (or baby wearing) workouts’ online. It won’t be long until you start to see the results.