How to get your pre-baby body and confidence back
If you follow these seven simple tips to help you achieve your post-natal fitness goals

Here Laura Uglow of True Vitality 4 Mums shares her 7 steps to help you get your pre-baby body and confidence back.
Finding an exercise regime you love as well as one that you want to stick to on a weekly basis can be a difficult challenge but there are ways you can tone up, get fit and have fun in the process.
You will increase your chances for long-term success with your health and fitness regime if you follow these seven simple tips to help you achieve your post-natal fitness goals and get your pre-baby body back.
Here are my top tips to help you get on track to feeling amazing!
1. Goal setting and visualisation
Set realistic goals, and visualise your dreams and where you would like to be in 3, 6 or 12 months time for example.
2. Believe in yourself
You must believe in yourself and know in your heart that you can can get where you want to be. Many women get back to their pre-baby best and you can do it too.
3. Eat a diet based on natural whole foods 80% of the time
Eating the right foods will account for 80% of your success and fat loss with any health and fitness regime so it is super important that you get this right.
4. Find an exercise that you find motivating and that you look forward to
Think about what you LOVE doing and find something that you look forward to, for example, feeling physically stronger by lifting light weights might give you a real boost or exercising with a friend or simply working out on your own having some quiet time while your baby is sleeping!
5. Build up slowly
Don’t expect too much too soon or you will find yourself feeling demotivated and not looking forward to your next session. Walking is also a great workout in the post-natal period if you are feeling overwhelmed by all the options out there…a 45-60 minute power walk will definitely get you into your fat burning zone!
6. Find the exercise YOU love
There are so many options available now for improving our fitness so it is important to think about what you enjoy. Maybe you could start with a regular power-walk with a friend, sign up with your local gym or personal trainer or you could try an online fitness community such as True Vitality 4 Mums where you will receive online support from a community of like-minded women!
7. Try it for 3 weeks before you give up
Set yourself a goal and stick to it – once exercise becomes more enjoyable and you get the desired results you won’t want to give it up.
Join Laura Uglow on a hip and butt workout in the video below.