Five ways to work out without a babysitter
New mum and no babysitter? Don’t let it stop you getting a workout

You know the drill. Pre-baby, can be kettle bells and lunges with some circuits and Zumba thrown into the mix. Post-baby, even dragging yourself out of bed in the morning is an effort some days. Lack of sleep, time and energy makes it difficult to get back into exercise.
However, if you make time for even short bursts of exercise - even if it’s only 10 or 15 minutes, every little counts - you will feel rejuvenated and that’s good for you, physically and mentally, so the baby benefits too.
So what can new mums do? Can you actually formulate a workout plan without a babysitter? You’d be surprised how it can be done. The key is finding something that you like doing - while incorporating the baby into the routine.
1. Home workout: You don’t need the expense of the gym to get back in shape or the worry of leaving a little one in a creche or with a childminder while you work out. Your home is as good a place as any to start. There are plenty of You tube videos out there or better still download a fitness app. Even some of the paid-for apps offer a free week trial so you can try before you buy.
2. Include baby in the routine: If you use a baby carrier, you can learn simple but effective routines that allow you to exercise while the little one is in your arms. This will not just help you tone, it will aid the bonding process. And baby will love it! Google or check out YouTube for ‘baby carrier’ workouts or ‘baby wearing exercises’. Make sure you follow the right instructions and that your baby is able to hold its own head up.
3. Get out and about: If the baby carrier is not your thing and you get bored working out at home, grab a stroller and simply walk. Go uphill a few times for the extra burn. Your baby will love being out and about too and the fresh air will do both of you the world of good.
4. Get fit with friends: Team up with some like-minded pals and organise a fitness activity at set days and times of the week. Go for walks to the park or playground, or try out a mum-and-baby yoga or gym class. Make it a regular event. Having company will make working out less of an ordeal.
5. Remember the little things: You don’t have to run a marathon, every little bit of movement will help you get back on track. Walk up and down the stairs a few times, have a dance around the kitchen with your little one in your arms, do some pelvic floor exercises while you’re feeding or some stretches (and cuddles) on the floor while holding the little one. You can make it work - and when you enjoy it, all the better!