Kick start your healthy routine in time for summer
Tips you need to get fit in time for summer

Here Laura Uglow of True Vitality 4 Mums explains how you can motivate yourself to kick start your health and fitness routine in time for summer.
For busy mums, jump-starting an exercise routine can be daunting no matter how motivated you are. But physical fitness is good for you. Exercise has been linked to everything from cancer and diabetes prevention to improved energy and mood.
If you're a new mum, getting in shape can help you regain a sense of control over your body and your life. And in the years to come, exercise can help you deal with ongoing pressures of parenthood and help to set a wonderful example of a fit and healthy lifestyle to your little ones.
When the sun is shining the weather is perfect for getting into the great outdoors to do a workout. Whether you enjoy running by the river, cycling around the park or doing a personal training session outdoors…or you prefer a gentle workout at home.
If you are finding it hard to motivate yourself to start a workout programme or if you slip up and you need to get refocused then my advice is start TODAY. As the nights get shorter and colder it will only get harder! You will feel fitter, healthier and happier for it.
Top tips to get you motivated
1. Set yourself a goal and have the belief that you CAN do it – you may be going on holiday this summer or off to a wedding and want to look your best. For most people – small short term goals work better and it is so rewarding to reach those small milestones.
2. Just do it!! This might be a power walk or training for a 5k run – but choose the exercise you enjoy and get yourself there today. Starting is always the hardest so get outside with the pram (or by yourself!) and start power-walking, get yourself back to your fitness class, go to the gym or jump you can exercise at home using the True Vitality 4 Mums 12 Week Post-Natal Transformation videos. Don’t wait for a clear diary or next Monday! Start now and make lifestyle changes that you can stick to in the long run.
3. Get stocked up on healthy foods so you have everything you need to eat well for the next week. The first thing I do when I return from holiday is get a supermarket shop in and cook myself a healthy meal! It will get you in the right mind set as soon as you get home. We all have slip ups and holidays are there to be enjoyed but the key is to get you and your family straight back to your healthy ways as soon as you get home.
4. If you slip up, DON’T GIVE UP! Slip-ups make us appreciate when we are on track and in control of our health, and they teach us to bounce back stronger. Don’t beat yourself up – we all slip up – just look forward and get yourself back on track as soon as possible. If you go out for dinner treat yourself but when you wake up the next morning start your day with a healthy breakfast to get you in the right mindset.
5. As I always say be good 80% of the time. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect all the time. Aiming for 80% of the time for a lifetime rather than over 100% for a few days will get you much better results.
6. Treat yourself to a new item of workout gear. I spend a lot of my time in workout gear and recently treated myself a new pair of bright inspirational pink running leggings. I love wearing them and they brighten up my day. Looking forward to wearing your workout gear will inspire you to put it on and get outside!
Find out more about the True Vitality 4 Mums 12-Week Post-Natal Transformation Programme here