Pros of being awake in the night with your little one
We take a look at some of the good things of being up in the night with your little one

There’s no doubt being awake in the middle of the night with your baby can be hard going on your wellbeing and ability to function well throughout the day. But we’re looking at the upside, and yes, there really are some good things about being awake in the night with your little one, take a look.
1. Special bonding
There’s no taking away from the fact that that special quiet time you and baby share in the wee small hours when all is quiet and dark, is probably some of the most precious bonding you will ever do.
2. Sneaky shopping
If you’re going to be awake in the night, why not have a little browse online and treat yourself to that pair of boots or cosy jumper you’ve had your eye on for ages.
3. Eat what you want
After all, who is going to see you raiding the fridge and sneaking that last piece of chocolate at 3am? See, there are some deserved perks to being awake!
4. Classic TV shows
The middle of the night is great for finding those classic episodes of some oldie but goody programmes, and there’s no one around to scoff and ask ‘what are you watching?’ Brilliant.
5. Make like-minded friends
The middle of the night is a great time to get online and find a host of like-minded mums going through exactly what you are, awake with your baby when everyone else is asleep. You might even make some life-long friends this way.
6. Watch that sunrise
How often do you get the chance to see a beautiful sunrise? (excluding your student/teenage years when you stayed up partying all night!) It is a good way to remind you of the wonderful things around and how lucky you are to have your beautiful baby even if you are in a period of very little sleep.