Suddenly your partner is sexy again!
After 9 months of pregnancy, you may not have looked at your partner sexually for a while, but here’s how they are sexy again once baby arrives

Suddenly, they’re sexy again
As your pregnancy advanced you might well have wondered if you’d ever fancy your partner again! And now they’re looking frazzled and fussing about parenting – hardly a turn-on. And yet when baby comes along you might find 7 reasons to fall in love all over again.
1. Your partner picked up your new baby for the first time and went all wet eyed. And now, even if they grumble about changing nappies or being woken at night, you catch then every now and then gazing in wide eyed wonder at the little person you made together. Bless!
2. Remember THAT poster of the shirtless man and a baby? Your man may hardly be a pin-up but there’s something about someone his size and heft caring for a tiny scrap so lovingly and caringly that brings out the wish to hug him to death. And they can milk it. Did Daniel Craig know how sexy he looked with his baby in a papoose? Maybe not, but he did and all those men who criticised him were just mad with jealousy. Because they knew a hunk with a baby is off the scale sexy, and even an ordinary man borrows a lot of that distinction.
3. Men tend to love gadgets. So they often throw themselves with a will into all the new devices and stuff that surround babies – the baby monitors, the sterilisers – let them shine and show you how smart they are. Its almost too cute for words when you can see how cuffed they are with themselves.
4. Because they do want to get it right, men may be more or just as willing as you to read the manuals – the baby and parent apps you’ve downloaded or the books you’ve bought. And he may be the one to find the important nugget of information and be able to explain or reassure you about something. How lovely is that?
5. He’s the only man in the world who has ever managed to do this incredible thing of creating a tiny person – or so you and his friends would think from the number of pix and videos he has on his phone and shows around. Endlessly. Sweet. Enough to melt your heart and theirs.
6. If he needs any hints find some of those internet videos of men doing all they can to keep their kids happy – dashing down the road being Avengers with water pistols or dressing up as Princesses to dance with a son or daughter to songs from Frozen. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to warm to it.
7. The cups of tea he makes for you or the favourite snacks he just happens to bring you. The point is he may be finding it hard to put into words just how much he adores his baby and his new role of being a dad, and how much he loves you for being the mother of his child. So he may show it in little ways easy to miss. Note them and respond.
All in all, there are so many reasons to look at him again in the way you did when you were first together. Revel in the feelings – appreciate and act on them!
Bounty “Sex & Relationship” articles are written by expert Suzie Hayman. Suzie is agony aunt for Woman magazine, a Relate trained counsellor, and an accredited TripleP (Positive Parenting Programme) parenting educator. She makes frequent appearances on TV and radio and as well as writing 31 books, Suzie writes features on parenting, relationships, sex and couples counselling, for a wide range of national magazines and newspapers