Weaning: Ready for a second course?
Now weaning is established, why not introduce a second course to mealtimes

Around 7 to 9 months begin to offer two courses at the lunch and evening meals. This will give your baby a wider variety of foods but also make the meals more interesting for him or her.
Make the first course a savoury course combining foods together in roughly equal quantities so that you have about:
1/3 meat, fish, eggs, nut butter or pulses
1/3 a starchy food such as potato, rice, pasta, bread or chapatti
1/3 vegetables
For the second course offer fruit, or a milk pudding, or a combination of both. A milk pudding could be a yogurt or fromage frais or a cooked milk pudding such as rice pudding or custard.
As your baby eats more at each meal you will notice s/he will drink less milk. Eventually your baby will be eating enough food so that after main meals the milk feed is refused altogether.