Teacher/carer gift ideas: Best and worst
Some of the best and worst teacher/carer gift ideas

Yes, it’s the thought that counts, but what would teachers or carers really like as a thank-you gift at the end of term? To get top marks keep it simple and along these lines:
- Homemade treats
- Personalised/pretty/posh stationery
- Coffee vouchers
- Tea set
- A plant pot
- Movie tickets
- A fancy water bottle
- Reusable coffee cup
- Biscuits, chocolate or fruit for the staff room
On the list of worst presents to receive are candles, cheap shower gels and hand creams and THANK YOU TEACHER mugs – or framed pictures of your child.
However, another useful type of gift is classroom supplies – yes really! So many teachers buy extra supplies themselves so if you can bulk buy of any of the following you’ll go to the top of the class:
Sharpies in all different colours
Dry marker whiteboard pens
Post-it pads
Glue sticks
And finally…Why it’s OK to give alcohol
While some parents may feel uncomfortable giving teachers alcohol as a thank you gift, here’s why it’s actually OK for many.
If we’re honest, many of us find that after a tough day with little ones when there’s nothing better than settling down once they’re in bed with a glass of your favourite tipple. So who’s to say that teachers and carers don’t enjoy the same after taking care of 30 of them all day?
Arguably, if you see it as sending the wrong message, the same could be said of giving biscuits or chocolates for promoting an unhealthy image, but do be mindful of how well you may or may not know the person you’re buying for.
And on a serious note…
In recent years stories of teacher gifts getting out of control have caused some schools to ask parents not to buy Christmas presents for teachers in a bid to relieve the burden that gift giving puts on some financially pressured families. Instead, schools encourage the pupils to give to charity instead such as food banks or regift items for shoebox gift appeals.