Charity reveals 6 in 10 don’t know dangers of herpes in babies
Baby charity Kit Tarka Foundation responds to shocking figures revealing many new and expectant parents unaware herpes can be fatal in young babies

Baby charity Kit Tarka Foundation is launching the T-H-A-N-K-S campaign in response to shocking stats that reveal 60% of new and expectant parents don’t know that herpes infections in young babies can be fatal.
The campaign aims to remind people coming into contact with young babies to remember their T-H-A-N-K-S - Think Hands And No Kisses.
A new survey of over 1,500 new and expectant parents, including hundreds of Bounty members who completed the survey, reveals that worryingly, 6 in 10 do not know that herpes infections in young babies can be fatal, despite the fact that 70% of Brits carry the infection.
The research was carried out by Kit Tarka Foundation a baby charity which works to prevent newborn baby deaths through raising awareness of neonatal herpes.
Young babies are particularly susceptible to infections yet, according to survey results, more than 1 in 6 parents would allow a person that they did not know well to touch their baby without first washing their hands, whilst a third of parents said they would not ask family and friends to wash their hands before holding their very young baby.
Interestingly, almost half (45%) of the mothers and birthing parents surveyed stated that they would allow friends and family to kiss their very young baby, but 52% of these would do so reluctantly.
As part of the open responses in the survey, numerous parents reported that their babies had been touched by strangers or held or kissed by friends or family members without consent being given but found it awkward and uncomfortable to ask others to change their behaviour.
In response to these findings Kit Tarka has launched a campaign to remind anyone coming into contact with a young baby to remember their T-H-A-N-K-S: Think Hands And No Kisses!
Kit Tarka founder Sarah de Malpaquet said: “The results from our survey are worrying to say the least. It’s clear that a strong public health campaign is needed to raise awareness around the dangers of cold sores to newborn babies, and the importance of good hygiene when visiting very young babies.”