The secret to getting things done
Tips from mums on how you really can get things done

So, you’re a new mum and focussing on your new baby doesn’t leave you much time to get the million of other things that need doing done. So, we’ve rounded up some golden rules that mums have told us really works for them.
1. Get listing
Schedule a designated chunk of uninterrupted time each day for list planning – be that writing a shopping list, meal list or checking what family birthdays you’ve got coming up. Having a weekly to do list can help prioritise chores. Plus, it’s therapeutic when you’re able to delete a task from the list as it is complete!
2. Prioritise
In business they say that 20% of your tasks will deliver 80% results – so prioritise the most important stuff first and move the little things to the end of your day.
3. Multi-task tidying
Whenever you’re up and about take a second to grab that washing and take it upstairs as you go or put something away to get a bit of decluttering done as you’re on your way to do something else.
4. Get the kids involved
Start as you mean to go on and make your little ones get into a habit of helping put toys away at the end of the day, in no time it will become second nature to them and you’ll always have an extra pair of hands to help with the tidy up.
5. Day off
Another idea is to take a fully unplugged day per week, like Saturday or Sunday, where you don’t check email, social media, or do any work. It can be difficult if you’re not used to it, but you’ll come back with a clear head and more energy as a result.