Making working part time work for you
Now you’re a mum, it may mean returning to your job on a part time basis, here’s how to make it work for you

It’s often the way that you leave a full-time job to go on maternity leave and return as a part timer. Getting back into your job and making it work now you’re a parent, as well as progressing your career can feel a lot tougher now you’re part time.
We take a look at ways you can continue to achieve your goals in part time hours.
Plan ahead
Before you’re due to start back at work, look into formally applying for flexibility in the hours you work. A formal process is required to state your business case for flexible working. Once this is clear, take the time to have a chat with your line manager. Do they have the same perception as you, for example, they may think they were being kind reducing some workload from you to ease your burden when working less hours or they may not be clear on your career aspirations. Work with your line manager to help turn your role back into the career you have worked towards.
Try job crafting
Learn to job craft. Job crafting is basically the practice of making the most of the job you have. The idea is that employees make subtle yet significant changes to their work and readjust their mindset to focus more on the meaning and purpose of their role. Jobs are often more changeable than you might think. The idea is that employers may consider adaptations to the role rather than lose a good employee due to trying achieve full time work into part time hours.
Do your ‘best work’
Sounds obvious but rather than try and spread yourself too thin and complete every job on this list. Take time to focus and do your best work each and every day. Start by prioritising your time towards the work which will bring the most value to you and the company – this is crucial to achieving results as a part-time worker.
Make things happen
Make sure you take opportunities when they come your way, and just as importantly always look to create your own opportunities. Don’t sit back and assume as a part-time worker you can’t be considered for the opportunities available to progress in the company. Put yourself forward and remind everyone you’re the same worker you’ve always been.