Angel inspired baby names for boys and girls
Of course your baby is going to be a little angel, so an angelic name has to be fitting

Stuck for a name for your little angel? You know she’s going to be an angel (of course!) so why not choose an angelic baby name to inspire her greatness from day one.
How about...simply Angel or variations of it - although there may be days in the future where you question your decision when you find her drawing on your walls with crayons, hopefully this will simply be a one off.
There are several formations of the name - for a girl, there’s Angelina, Angelica and the very musical sounding Angelisa.
There are also some baby names that mean ‘angel’ when translated like Seraphina (Hebrew girl name meaning fiery-winged) and Evangeline (Greek girl name meaning bringer of good news).
Aingeal is the Irish girl name meaning "angel", while in Hebrew it’s Erela and in Arabic it’s Malayeka.
And although it’s not strictly an angel name, Neaveh (heaven spelt backwards) is up there with the best of them, as it Trinity and Harmony.
There are some choices for boys’ baby names too aside from the obvious Angelo. How about Gabriel, Raphael, Ethan, Joel or Elijah?
1. Angelina
2. Angelica
3. Angelisa
4. Seraphina
5. Evangeline
6. Laila (Angel of conception)
7. Charmeine: Angel of harmony
8. Rafaela: Angel of healing
9. Trinity
10. Neaveh
1. Raphael (Angel of healing)
2. Angelo
3. Gabriel (Angelic messenger)
4. Michael (Angel of loyalty)
5. Micah (Angel of miracles)
6. Nathaniel: Angel of fire
7. Ariel: Angel of nature
8. Ethan
9. Elijah (prophet turned angel)
10. Sauriel
11. Paschar: Angel of vision
If you enjoyed this page, be sure to get inspired from our unique and unusual names or check out our top baby names.