
Baby names for boys and girls inspired by words

You can pick any word and make it a name if you choose, here’s our top suggestions

Cool baby names that aren’t even names

Looking for a unique baby name? you can’t get more unique than picking a name that isn’t a name


So you want to call your child something totally unique? You don’t want a name that anyone else would choose? What’s to stop you picking something that’s - well - not really a name.

If you’re a fan of the outdoors, how about Pine for a boy or Jumpier for a girl? Or you could opt for Rain, Summer, Winter, Autumn - which are all fairly popular nowadays - or just plain old Season or Field...the mind boggles.

You could go for Rogue - although, remember, he may want to be a solicitor when he grows up - and others are just downright out there like Answer, Quintessence and Afternoon.

Still quirky but possibly less so are Bay, Timber, and Land. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian called their little girl North and their son Saint - and if it’s good enough for them, what’s to stop us mere mortals going down this road? The world is your oyster.

Be sure to check out Bounty.com's double-barrelled baby names or our modern hero baby names for more unique baby name inspiration. 


1. Pine

2. Timber

3. Rogue

4. Arrow

5. Ranger

6. Bay

7. Land

8. Beech

9. Birch

10. Field


1. Aria

2. Doe

3. Juniper

4. Rain

5. Quintessence

6. North

7. Answer

8. Piper

9. Bliss

10. Clemency

If you enjoyed this page, be sure to get inspired by unique and unusual names or check out our top baby names at Bounty.com

Baby names for boys and girls inspired by words