The meaning of Archie and more royal baby name inspiration
Archie is the chosen name for the new royal baby, here’s the lowdown on the name

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With the announcement of the new royal baby’s name we take a look at the popularity of the moniker in relation to the many thousands of baby names Bounty members register with us.
The name Archie is currently number 13 in the top 100 most popular baby boy names given to children in the UK. Over the past 5 years the name has increased in popularity, from position 17 in 2014 to its current position of 13 today.
The name Archie was most popular with parents in 2018 in Midlothian and interestingly least popular in the Royal County of Berkshire, in which the royal couple live in Frogmore Cottage in the grounds of Windsor Castle.
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As well as Queen Victoria’s much-loved consort Prince Albert, by choosing Albert (Albie or Bertie) for a boy, Harry and Meghan would have honoured the Queen’s father George VI, who was actually Albert Frederick Arthur George but always known to his family as Bertie. Albert is number 72 in the top 100 boys’ names. Albie, a more contemporary shortened version of the name ranks at number 45 (up 10 places on last year) whereas Bertie doesn’t rank in the top 100 at all.
At one point Alexander was one of the favourite names for the new royal (this ranks at number 30 in the top 100 boys names).
Phillip, the baby’s great-grandfather’s name and Robert after King Robert who led Scotland to Independence from England in 1320, don’t even feature in today’s top 100 boys’ names. Likewise, Charles, the royal baby's grandfather and Alfred another favourite of pundits would both have been unusual choices as neither rank in the top 100. Instead, boys' names Charlie and Alfie are their contemporaries and feature in today’s top 10 at 6 and 10 respectively.
Edward is a more popular royal name at number 36 but Teddy, its nickname version, ranks higher at 25.
Similarly, Harry is also far more popular than his own real name of Henry. Harry is the UK’s third most popular boys name whereas Henry just creeps into the top 20 at number 17.