Trends and predictions for girls names in 2018
Which girl names will we see be seeing more of in 2018? Bounty is the most reliable, up-to-date place to look for clues

What names will be on trend for girls in 2018? We have hand-picked some of the highest climbers from last year which indicate a new trend for 2018.
Our top 100 baby names list is compiled from the thousands of Bounty mums we meet on maternity wards across the UK ensuring that our list is the largest, most up to date and shows the latest trends in baby names.
The trend in ‘old lady’ names is set to continue into 2018 with Ivy climbing 14 places to 21 and Lottie rising 13 places to 56. Bonnie is also heading back up the charts up 17 places breaking into the Top 100 at 90.
Inspiration from celebrities could be the reason Luna has shot up 31 places to 54 after Chrissy Teigen and singer John Legend named their daughter Luna as well as actress Penelope Cruz and Uma Thurman who also chose the name for their daughters. Harper continues to rise up the charts (up 17 places to 22) seven years after The Beckham’s chose the name for their daughter.
Here’s our full list of predictions for trend names for girls in 2018 and their current position in the Top 100.
Hallie 86
Aurora 82
Luna 54
Orla 71
Harper 22
Bonnie 90
Zara 61
Ivy 21
Lottie 56
Clara 98
Whilst they are yet to break into the Top 100, here is our list of girls’ names to watch out for. Each are showing signs of begin strong trend names over the next decade as they have all shot up over 100 places in the last year.
Aubrey up 172 places
Aliza up 101 places
Nyla up 108 places
Margot up 129 places
Nova up 103 places
Dottie up 204 places
Winnie up 225 places
Carys up 158 places
Adeline up 294 places
Sydney up 108 places