When should you reveal your baby name?
Like most choices surrounding the naming of your baby, there are many contrasting opinions on when the best time to reveal the chosen name for your baby is. Lots of mums-to be feel the best route is to share the name as soon as the tough decision is made, which could mean sharing the choice long before your baby is born. Others however feel that the name should only be announced to the world with a beautiful fresh face to go along with it.

Others feel that the name should only be announced to the world with a beautiful fresh face newborn photo to go along with it.
Opinions on the matter vary between different cultures and countries. Some cultures believe that only once the baby has been born can the name be revealed, meaning parents often appear secretive on the subject beforehand.
Contrastingly, other cultures favour being much more open with names, even asking for advice on social media and discussing it with family and friends well ahead of their due date.
Choosing your baby’s name
With so many options, the biggest driving factor in the decision is when the name of the baby is actually chosen. After all, announcing a list of 10 possible names doesn’t have quite the same wow factor as the special chosen one!
If you’re still in the naming stage then be sure to check out Bounty.com's baby names section, where you’ll find thousands of interesting names and stories, with many themed lists for inspiration!
Alternatively, if you have a list of names you would like to understand the origins and meanings for, then head over to Bounty.com's name searching feature to get the lowdown on your favourite names.
Announcing before the birth of your baby
If you are thinking of sharing your chosen name before birth, you’ll be able to get the thoughts and opinions of your nearest and dearest. Sometimes this can lead to heated discussions, but you’ll find that in the end your family will support the name you’ve chosen which will make you feel more confident in your decision.
It’s never too early to start the discussion with friends or family, scouting around for new ideas or simply bouncing names back and forth, as this could really help you to make a decision. Many parents put together a long list of possibilities then whittle it down to ‘the one’ with the help of others.
Announcing your chosen name early can also act as ‘first-dibs’ on your chosen name. However, this can also have the opposite effect and end up inspiring others to choose a similar name, or even stealing the same one!
Once your baby is born
Many parents wait until after their baby is born to choose a name as this presents the perfect opportunity to announce that name along with a picture of the baby, or a face-to-face introduction. Some parents say they only truly knew the right name for their baby after laying eyes on him or her.
If you are an indecisive type, and don’t like the idea of putting a face to a name rather than a name to a face, leave it late and see what feels right when you are staring into the eyes of your new bundle of joy!
And if you’re spilling the beans on social media about a friend or family member’s new arrival, check out Bounty.com's five rules to follow about sharing someone’s baby news.