Unusual baby names on the rise in 2017
Looking for a name not in the top 100 most popular? These names are on the rise in 2017 but still have a unique edge

When choosing your baby’s name, there’s several different roots you can go. You can take inspiration from the top 100 most popular names around, go for something more traditional, get inspiration from artists or movies.
If you’re looking for a name your little one won’t have to share with three other children in their classroom, but don’t want a name that is so out there they will have to spell it out to people for the rest of their lives, there is a happy middle ground. We have compiled a list of the more unusual names that are trending in 2017.
Popular culture has crept into the list of unusual yet highest climbing names with influences from Celebrity Big Brother, pop music and TV box sets like the Hunger Games’ character names appearing.
Unheard of until last year, American singer Aubrey O’Day appeared in last year’s Celebrity Big Brother and the girl’s name, Aubrey, has since seen a huge rise in popularity ever since, up 183 places and now ranking 175th in our most popular list.
Suicide Squad has influenced the popularity of girls named Harley (as in the DC comic character played by Margo Robbie). The name Primrose has climbed 42 places influenced by Hunger Games character Primrose Everdeen.
Boys’ names have also been influenced by popular culture with Cohen rising 56 places following the death of singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen who died in November 2016. Likewise the name Lenny is up 30 places and features 147th on the most popular boys’ names list.
Name choices for celebrity babies continue to influence UK name choices with Levi rising 20 places - both Matthew McConaughey and Sheryl Crow chose the name for their sons. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis’ name choice for their son, Wyatt as also risen in popularity, as has Michael Buble’s son’s name, Elias.
Girls names trending in 2017
1. Aubrey
2. Beth
3. Lilah
4. Harley
5. Alba
6. Primrose
7. Amira
8. Cora
9. April
10. Halle
Other girls’ names that are fast rising up the ranks (up more than 20 places) and look set to break into the Top 100 include:
• Marnie
• Delilah
• Phoebe
• Alexa
• Rosa
• Leila
• Amaya
• Polly
Boys names trending in 2017
1. Cohen
2. Wyatt
3. Grayson
4. Hunter
5. Lenny
6. Myles
7. Joel
8. Elias
9. Levi
10. Carson