C-sections: The facts you need to know
It’s a routine procedure but there are things you may not be told…check out our must know list below.
C-sections: What you need to know
- Must know facts about C-sections

Having a C-section delivery is a very common procedure now and some mums choose to have a C-section without a medical indication. There are benefits to having a C-section, such as it’s generally fairly quick, but it is worth remembering it is still a major operation and there are some things you need to know.
We give you a few pointers of what you need to know to help you be fully prepared for a C-section should you have one.
1. Prepare yourself for the environment
You need to remember that you are having a major operation so it will take place in an operating theatre and some of the staff may be wearing masks, can be quite daunting if you’ve not had an operation before.
2. Don’t think you ‘won’t feel a thing’
You will usually have a spinal block before your C-section. Although this means you won’t feel pain, it doesn’t block all the sensations of touch or movements. Some mums can find this quite intense.
3. Prepare your birth partner
If they don't stay near your head behind the barrier, they may see more than they bargained for!
4. Laughing, sneezing and coughing may never be the same again
After a C-section you may feel a sensation in your scar when you laugh, sneeze or cough which may find you laughing ever so quietly and politely from now on!
5. Your scar will be numb
Chances are the skin around your scar will stay pretty numb for some time.