Acupuncture and pregnancy: How it can help
Find out how acupuncture can help you through your pregnancy
What is it?
Acupuncture is a type of complementary therapy and involves inserting ultra-fine, sterile needles into acupuncture points to stimulate your channels of ‘Qi’ energy and trigger your body's healing response. And the good news is, you’ll hardly feel a thing.
How can it help?
While it’s most effective for treating back and pelvic pain in pregnancy, acupuncture may also help ease morning sickness, anxiety, constipation, tender boobs, headaches and varicose veins. Some say it can even help turn breech babies and induce labour, (providing you’ve passed your due date and have written permission from your obstetrician).
During labour, acupuncture can help ease pain relief, boost energy and keep things moving along.
What happens?
Usually you’ll have a chat with the practitioner about your health and the symptoms you to ease – then they’ll get busy with the acupuncture needles. Most acupuncture sessions last between 20 and 40 minutes.
Is it safe?
Acupuncture is generally safe to have when you’re pregnant but discuss this with your midwife or GP before you book a session and ensure you use a fully qualified practitioner and disposable needles are used. Some NHS doctors and physiotherapists can give acupuncture alongside regular medical treatment but most people pay privately for it.
How much does it cost?
Costs vary a lot, from around £10 to £70.