High street maternity fashion
Are you aware how much great maternity wear is available on the high street?

The Lowdown
Once the excitement of being pregnant starts to die down, you have to start thinking practically. As your body starts to change shape, buying maternity clothes is often the first step on your journey to parenthood.
Investing in vast amounts of maternity clothes is not recommended as you’ll be wearing them for a few months at most. Some specialised maternity brands can be pretty expensive, so luckily the high street is at hand to help as many shops stock well-priced maternity ranges.
What to look for
Try and keep your maternity wardrobe to a few items, for example a dress that can worn anywhere, a few tops (ones that can double up for breastfeeding after your baby’s born are always useful) and a pair of jeans. Always invest in well-fitting bras without underwiring to keep you comfortable and supported as your bust changes shape.
Here are some of our favourite maternity high street destinations:
They have a large and well-priced selection, with most items available in sizes 6-20. You can find everything from underwear, to coats and party dresses, plus a comprehensive denim range. There’s a great choice of key basics, plus more glam trend-led pieces for parties and other events.
Next’s maternity range is packed with well-designed pieces ideal for a capsule wardrobe, plus the odd standout piece for special occasions. It’s a great destination for workwear and there's a great swimwear and nightwear selection, too.
New Look
One of the most purse-friendly collections on the high street, New Look is the go-to destination for maternity party wear. It’s collection of slinky dresses starts from as low as £12.99, meaning you can look party-ready even on a budget , and there’s a great range of basics, too.
George at Asda
The quality of supermarket fashion has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years, so it’s no surprise that George’s maternity department is well-stocked with great value buys. With most items ringing in at around a tenner, you can easily get a whole capsule maternity wardrobe together for under £50.
Love fashion and don’t want to compromise your style during pregnancy? Head to Topshop for your maternity style fix, many key items are adapted from the main range so you’ll always look fashion forward. It's a great destination for denim too, as they normally have at least twenty cuts and colours of jeans available to buy.