Those pregnancy wants and needs
Once pregnant, you'll want everything for your baby, but may find you don't end up needing some of it

There’s lot of stuff you’ll want in pregnancy - but you’ll probably find you don’t actually need or use half of it. Make a list of ‘essentials’ and ‘desirables’ and if money or space is tight, try to stick to the former.
Don’t worry about keeping up with the Jones’s, when baby comes there is precious little it actually needs except milk, warmth and comfort. The fancy nursery and stroller may look great in the shop but don’t put yourself into debt trying to create the ‘perfect’ space.
There are areas where you shouldn’t scrimp though. A second-hand car seat may seem like a bargain but unless you know it’s from a reputable source you can never be sure it’s not been involved in a collision. Also the cot doesn’t have to be top-of-the-range but buy the best quality cot mattress you can afford.
What you need vs what you want
1. Baby clothes: You see loads of fab outfits in the nursery store but once baby comes, you’ll find that babygrows and vests are far easier when you’re out and about. Fancy outfits are not so practical when the leak green poo!
2. Maternity clothes: You see some beautiful floaty dresses and relish in the thought of being an Earth Mother, but as you gain weight, you’ll find it difficult to get comfortable in anything other than baggy tracksuits.
3. Transport: You will come across hundreds of fancy state-of-the-art products but at the end of the day, you’re best to opt for a simple, easy-to-assemble stroller that fits in your boot and doesn’t take up half the High Street!
4. Feeding: In the early days, you’ll need lots and lots of muslin squares and baby wipes because babies tend to bring everything up.
5. Changing: A changing table isn’t exactly a necessity but if you can afford one it will save you straining your back; a fold-up changing mat for out and about is also handy..
6. Cleaning: Forget sweet smelling and go for skin-kind products. A baby’s skin can be incredibly delicate.
7. Sleeping: If you can afford a fancy nursery, then don’t let anyone dictate otherwise, but remember baby will spend most of the first few months in your room and they won’t have any interest in wall murals for a long time yet! Keep things simple.