What's happening in week 10 of your pregnancy
You are now 10 weeks into your pregnancy and things are really moving along!
At a glance
- Your baby's jawbones are beginning to form
- Your baby's little heart is now fully formed
- Do your research now so you can make informed decisions later
How big is my baby at 10 weeks pregnant?
Your baby is continuing to grow and develop into a real little person! Their jawbones are beginning to form, and, amazingly, they contain their future milk teeth already.
Your baby's little heart is now fully formed, and beating two to three times faster than yours.
If you see your baby on an ultrasound scan at 10 weeks, they will be making jerky movements and bobbing about!
Did you know?
- Your baby will start to use one hand more than the other, the same one they'll prefer to use after birth
- All of your baby's major organs (the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, and intestines) are formed and functional they're just tiny!
- By now your baby is able to bend its fingers
- Your baby's eyebrows are beginning to grow
- Your baby will grow 30-fold in weight and triple in length
You at 10 weeks pregnant
By week 10 of pregnancy you may start to notice a little bump appearing. Your baby is growing so your ligaments and muscles are starting to stretch to make room, and you may find your breasts are getting bigger if they haven't already.
You might find the enormity of what is happening beginning to hit you now. Pregnancy hormones do some weird and wonderful things to your body, but it’s not just your physical health that’s affected. Hormones can unsettle your mental health from time to time, so looking after your emotional wellbeing in pregnancy is equally important.
Remind yourself that all pregnant women worry about similar things. It’s easy to fear the unknown so read up on the facts about what’s worrying you – trusted, reliable sources of information can help you to manage your expectations and ease your fears.
Deal with issues one by one and try not to let all issues build up in your mind. Take the one that worries you the most and try and tackle that first. If your pregnancy worries are starting to get you down and making you feel anxious, make sure you talk to someone. If you don’t feel your partner will understand, talk to family and friends you can trust and identify with, and who may also have young children.
1 in 10 women experience
mental health problems during pregnancy, so if none of the above feel like an option, your midwife or GP will be able to offer you support to help manage your feelings.
Don’t be afraid to discuss your worries. They are just as concerned about your emotional wellbeing as your physical health and they won’t judge you for having these feelings. Your midwife or doctor should support you with a care plan and may refer you to your local perinatal mental health team.
Did you know?
- Pregnancy increases your body temperature thereby making you more prone to dehydration
- You need about 79 grams of protein daily to help build bones, muscles and skin for your baby. Eat eggs, lean meat, milk and pulses
What to think about in week 10 of pregnancy
You and your partner probably have so many plans and things you need to do before your baby is born - so now is the time to start making lists and working out your priorities!
If you do need to think about major house renovations, or re-decorating, or even a big move, think carefully about the practicalities and the timescales involved - you won't want to be loading up a moving van on your due date, or bringing a new baby home into a house that resembles a building site.
The 'home' that you are giving your baby throughout your pregnancy is vitally important to. Make sure you make time for exercise, aim for about half an hour of activity everyday, but begin with at least 15 minutes of non-stop activity 3 times a week.
Signs and symptoms at 10 weeks pregnant
Feeling faint/dizzy
Don’t be surprised if on occasions you feel faint or have a bout of dizziness even at this early stage of your pregnancy. With all that blood-pumping round your body you’re bound to feel the effects. In the first trimester, the hormone progesterone may cause your blood pressure to drop because it’s causing the walls of your blood vessels to relax. Keeping hydrated is important and doesn’t hurt to carry a snack round with you to boost your blood sugar if you feel faint. If you’re feeling very light-headed be sure to sit down or lie down to avoid falling down should you actually faint. It will pass as quickly as it came.
Noticeable veins
Usually beginning on your breasts, veins can appear a lot more visible during your pregnancy. You may not be that happy that parts of you begin to look like a roadmap but remember these veins are playing a vital role in taking nutrients and blood to your baby. As much as 50% more blood can flow through you in pregnancy so your veins are definitely being forced to work harder than ever before. Rest assured they will fade over time and disappear completely, but right now they are hard at work.
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Video 1 (NHS content): What is the risk of miscarriage? 
Video 2: Staying healthy during pregnancy
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