At a glance
- Your little one now has their own unique fingerprints
- Your baby is now around the size of a lemon
- Nasal congestion is common during this stage of pregnancy
How big is my baby at 14 weeks pregnant?
Size-wise, your little one is around 8.3 cm long or around the size of a lemon, weighing 43 grams and growing bigger and stronger every day.
Your baby’s arms are now in proportion with their body, but their legs still have a bit more growing to do until your baby is fully in proportion.
Your baby is really starting to take on the look of a real little person now, with their hair and eyebrows beginning to grow, and they’re starting to develop their own set of fingerprints in place on their tiny fingers! They’ll be making the most of these tiny digits and might now be able to suck their thumb.
Not only that, brain impulses have them squinting, frowning and grimacing switching from one expression to another, giving their facial muscles a real workout.
Did you know?
Size-wise, your little one is around 8.3 cm long or around the size of a lemon, weighing 43 grams.
A male foetus can get erections in the womb from 16 weeks.
Finger prints have formed on your baby's tiny hands.
You at 14 weeks pregnant
You might be finding your 'baby brain' kicking in around now, and that you are suffering a few forgetful or foggy moments. It's hardly surprising concerning all the hard work going on inside your body!
You might also be experiencing some of the more bizarre side effects of pregnancy such as nose bleeds and snoring. Nasal congestion in pregnancy is down to an increase in blood pumping around your body and nothing to worry about unless it is causing you discomfort, or you are getting frequent nose bleeds, in which case, mention it to your midwife.
You might have some weird food cravings starting to kick in too – lump of coal, anyone?
Although contrary to popular opinion not all mums crave random things. But you might find that highs and lows in your blood sugar levels make you crave sugary comfort foods.
But remember, your baby will develop normally without you needing extra calories until the last three months of your pregnancy. Only then in weeks 29-40 will you need around an extra 200 calories a day – which literally is just half a sandwich!
But if you feel hungry, you do need to eat! Just avoid fatty, sugary foods and opt for nutritious, satisfying snacks like fruit, low fat yoghurt, a couple of slices of whole grain toast with spread, or a glass of milk.
And if you do ever crave inedible things do raise it with your midwife. Cravings for soil, chalk, charcoal or laundry detergents and the like can be a sign of anaemia or Pica - a recognised condition where pregnant women crave non-foods like chalk and charcoal.
You will probably have a screening blood test for Down's syndrome around now, if you haven't already had a combined blood and nuchal scan test.
Check out our pregnancy testing and screening page for more details on what this involves.
You might also be asked about where you want to have your baby. The place where you give birth is very important and you should be as comfortable as possible with your choice, whether it be a hospital, birthing centre or midwifery unit, at home or somewhere else.
Your options about where to have your baby will depend on your needs, risks and, to some extent, on where you live. Your midwife will be able to discuss the options available but, if you are willing to travel, you're free to choose any maternity services.
Bear in mind that some birthing centres are stand-alone units as opposed to being attached to a hospital, so you may have fewer pain relief options available to you. But they often offer facilities that hospitals don’t like home-from-home delivery rooms and complimentary therapies.
Most hospitals offer a tour of the unit so you can familiarise yourself so ask your midwife. If you’re interested in having a home birth, your midwife will also be able to help you with information.
Did you know?
- In the second half of pregnancy, your baby will urinate half a litre and every 45 minutes.
- Over the course of the pregnancy, the uterus stretches from the size of a peach to roughly the size of a medium watermelon.
- Even in pregnancy, hearing a baby cry can release oxytocin which causes your milk-making cells to contract.
- Nasal congestion is commonly experienced during this stage of pregnancy by 30 % of women.
What to think about in week 14 of pregnancy
Now you have broken your amazing baby news to all your friends and family, you are probably facing many, many questions about your list of possible names! Everyone will have an opinion on this, and their own prejudices, too. Don't let anyone's thoughts on your chosen names sway you though – so what if your gran knew someone horrible at school with that name, or your aunt had a cat with the same moniker?! It's your decision!
Some parents-to-be choose to keep entirely 'mum' on their choices until their baby is born just to avoid this very situation – and who can blame them?
If you haven't yet got any ideas, why not have a look at the baby names pages for some inspiration?
Whether you’ve always been a fan of alternative therapies or feel they could be option to help ease some symptoms now you’re pregnant, it’s worth understanding how to safely explore these options.
It's important to be aware that some essentials oils which are commonly used in reflexology and massage are not suitable for use in pregnancy, and that massage itself is only advised to be carried out on your tummy once you are safely into your second trimester.
Some massage and alternative therapy options out there are safe under certain conditions though, and that can be lovely and relaxing for a mum-to-be, but it’s important to ensure these therapies are carried out by a qualified practitioner.
By now, your bump is likely to become visible and you may start to have a hunch whether you're having a boy or girl, but can you really know?
The answer to this is no. Until you get the opportunity to ask the sonographer to sex your child at your scan (and it is very unlikely they will be able to tell before your anomaly scan at 18-21 weeks anyway), you've really got no way of knowing for sure until d-day. After all, even sonographers sometimes get it wrong. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy having your own ideas and also have a bit of fun guessing with a few old wives' tales that may or may not turn out to be right, let’s face it, you have a 50 50 chance of getting it right!
If you are still smoking, now is a good time to try and stop again as if you quit before you're 15 weeks pregnant, the health risks for your baby go down.
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Signs and symptoms at 14 weeks pregnant
Increased appetite
You may be noticing you’re having an extra potato with your roast or bigger bowl of pasta than normal. It’s quite normal for your appetite to increase around this stage of your pregnancy. Especially if you’ve had morning sickness extra food is needed to help your baby grow, but you shouldn’t eat for two. Sorry ladies it’s a myth, find out when and how many extra calories you need and check out these healthy snack ideas.
Varicose veins
Varicose veins are noticeable, large veins, that usually appear in the lower legs. Often varicose veins can be quite unsightly and uncomfortable to have. Unfortunately for mums-to-be they are a common symptom of pregnancy due to the increased blood volume in pregnancy and hormonal changes that can make your circulation slower and less efficient than usual. This can happen when the uterus puts pressure on the large vein that carries blood to the heart from your feet and legs. They can also develop when the small valves inside the veins work less effectively. When working normally, the valves open and close to let blood flow back to the heart, but when they work less efficiently and have more blood flowing around the blood can flow backwards and pools in the veins resulting in varicose veins. Avoid making the veins worse: Don’t cross your legs when sitting, elevate your feet often and take breaks and move around as much as possible if you have to stand or sit for a while.
Watch our videos below on:
Video 1: What is the test for Down syndrome? (from the NHS)

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