What's happening in week 19 of your pregnancy
At week 19 you are just a week away from being half way through your pregnancy!
At a glance
- Your baby now weighs more than your placenta
- You may be feeling indigestion or heartburn
- Your partner may enjoy feeling your baby's movements too
How big is my baby at 19 weeks pregnant?
Your baby now weighs more than your placenta, but doesn't yet have much in the way of body fat. They’ll measure around 15.3cm long, weigh 240g and will be about the size of a pomegranate.
Although they’re still small, it’s possible you might start to feel small movements from your baby as they continue to develop.
As they grow inside you, these little movements – which many mums-to-be describe as feeling like bubbles – will become stronger, forming into kicks, punches, swooshes, flips and turns, which your partner and other family members (not those randoms in the street) can feel when they touch your belly.
Every single baby is different which means there’s no set number of kicks you should be feeling. In fact, baby’s movements can vary from 4 to over 100 every hour. Importantly, it’s more about knowing what’s normal for your little one.
You should soon begin to be able to recognise and get to know your baby’s regular pattern of movement. If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down or stopped, contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately (it is staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week).
You should never hold back from reporting reduced movement due to fear about 'wasting time' or 'being a nuisance'. Sadly, research has shown that 55% of women who had a stillbirth noticed their baby’s movements had slowed down or stopped but hadn’t reported it.
Your baby’s arms and legs are now in proportion and moving with more limb control as the cartilage begins hardening to bone.
Their skin is now losing its translucent look and beginning to develop pigment which will determine their skin tone. They will now also be covered in Vernix Caseosa, a thin waxy like substance that helps protects your babies skin from the amniotic fluid.
It’s also possible begin to develop hair on their scalp, although it’ll be white and pigment free as hair colour is yet to be determined.
Your baby's body is working very hard to grow strong and healthy, particularly its little heart.
Their brain is also continuing to develop with the specialised areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. It’s actually possible that they might be able to hear your voice now.
Did you know?
- Your baby will measure around 15.3cm long, weigh 240g and be about the size of a pomegranate
- The body begins to store fat in the first trimester and this ceases halfway through the pregnancy. At this time the foetus begins to use the stored fat
- In the womb babies develop a waxy, cream cheese-like coating called vernix. Some are born with vernix residue
- In the womb baby girls develop all of the reproductive eggs they will ever use baby boys don't develop sperm until puberty
You at 19 weeks pregnant
Your baby's movements may start feeling more like proper kicks now, and might occasionally take you by surprise! Best not use your bump as a convenient coffee table or lap tray!
You might even be able to identify a foot or an elbow at times, and your partner might enjoy feeling these movements as well, and getting to bond with your baby and feel more involved.
Your increased bump size could be causing you heartburn or indigestion by 19 weeks – speak to your midwife if this is bothering you.
The increase of hormones in your body could also leave you feeling a little breathless at times – this is usually harmless and normal in pregnancy, but do tell your GP if you are getting really out of breath.
Some mums experience blurry vision at this stage, too, most likely because of water retention – this usually corrects itself after birth, but again, flag it up with your GP or your optician if you are worried.
Did you know?
- 90% of women experience a change in skin tone
- During pregnancy your uterus expands up to 500 times its normal size
- At 19 weeks of pregnancy your body is still changing, and the top of your uterus will now be in line with your belly button
What to think about in week 19 of pregnancy
As you are busy buying things for your little one's nursery and wardrobe, you might be having the great nappy debate with your partner or mum pals! The choice is yours of course, disposables or reusables, and both have their merits. Cloth nappies have come a very long way since the days of folding towelling squares into shape and pinning them in place!
Some local authorities even have incentives for parents to go green and use cloth nappies rather than land-filling disposables. It all comes down to personal preference of course, and what works for your family budget and your baby – and you might find it's a case of trial and error to discover what ultimately suits you best of all.
Don’t focus all your hard-earned cash on splashing out on your little one. You deserve to save a few pennies for your maternity look, after all you have a few more months of pregnancy and possibly more pregnancies in the future, so you deserve to look and feel the best you can.
Think about reinvigorating your wardrobe with a few maternity essentials that suit your new shape. Also, bear in mind that baby (and you!) still have a lot of growing to do in those last weeks of pregnancy. So chances are what fits you snuggly now will be too small by D-Day – especially if it’s got no stretch. Likewise, you won’t fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes in those early months so maternity purchases now will see you through when baby’s here. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, picking the right select bits can completely refresh outfits and give you a great new look. Get some inspiration on a super stylish (comfy) mum-to-be look.
Many pregnant women start to become familiar with a lack of sleep around this time in their pregnancy. It can become even more of an issue with women in the later stages of pregnancy and trying to get comfortable due to a large bump gets more tricky.
Whether it’s your body preparing for less sleep once your baby arrives, or hormones, or feeling the heat, or an uncomfortable bump, there is no doubt that many pregnant women say they struggle to get the rest they desperately need during their pregnancy.
We have put together some handy pregnancy sleep tips that if followed, may just see you getting those all-important ZZZZZZs at night.
Choosing a baby name is not just about how it sounds or fits with your surname, what the name means can be a way to determine that perfect baby name for your new arrival. Why not take a look at our boys and girls names that derive from positive meanings.
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Signs and symptoms at 19 weeks pregnant
Leg cramps
Many mums-to-be experience leg cramps during their second and third trimester as your growing baby adds strain on your muscles and your womb which in turn puts more pressure on the veins providing blood to your leg muscles. Usually cramps can last from a few seconds up 10 minutes and the usually leg cramps tend to occur at night and can often interrupt your much needed sleep. Leg cramps during pregnancy could be related to your body having a shortage of calcium and magnesium in your bloodstream, but It is important to get your doctor's advice on supplements to take in pregnancy.
The most common form of anaemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency anaemia. If you are suffering from iron deficiency anaemia you will probably feeling particularly tired and lethargic, you may look pale and in more severe cases experiencing heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The other form of anaemia common in pregnancy is folate anaemia or vitamin B12 deficiency. Again you may feel tired, lack energy and have muscle weakness or suffering regularly with pins and needles. If you think you may be anaemic, visit your GP or discuss with your midwife so that you can have a blood test to check whether you have anaemia.
Video 1: What happens at a scan and what will they tell me? (From the NHS)

Video 2: The fetal anomaly scan (20 weeks)
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