Trimester 2: What to expect from your baby’s development
Now you’re in your middle trimester, here’s some developments your baby will be go through as they prepare to meet you

You’ve now reaching the middle of your pregnancy which is your second trimester. Here are some things you can expect from your baby in these weeks.
Week 13: Moving about lots, your baby can now kick their legs, turn their head and even swallow.
Week 14: Hair is starting to grow on your baby’s scalp and little eyebrows are even starting to form!
Week 15: Baby’s ears are developed now and your baby can hear your voice.
Week 16: Your baby’s joints and limbs are now formed. Baby also has fingernails and tiny fingerprints in place. Midwives no longer check baby’s heartbeat at 16 weeks because it can still be difficult to locate so they wait until baby is bigger to prevent any unnecessary anxiety.
Week 17: Your baby’s heart is beating at between 140-150 beats per minute – that’s about twice as fast as yours!
Week 18: While there’s still plenty of room your baby’s regularly doing somersaults.
Week 19: Your baby is now heavier than the placenta but is still quite light at approximately 240 grams.
Week 20: It’s possible to find out the sex of your baby now but it will depend on the policy of your hospital. Tell the sonographer at the start of your scan if you want to find out. Be aware though, that it’s not always possible to be 100% certain and your baby may be lying in an awkward position.
Week 21: A whitish ‘coat’ of a substance called ‘vernix caseosa’ is helping protect your baby’s skin during their long soak in the amniotic fluid.
Week 22: Listening to your voice, your baby might move or kick in response to your talking, reading or singing.
Week 23: If they were to be born early, it’s now possible that your baby would have a chance of survival with specialist care.
Week 24: Baby’s lungs are now developing so they could breathe actual air rather than fluid.
Week 25: Your baby will have a play and nap routine now and will enjoy hearing you and your partner’s voices.
Week 26: Although sometimes active and sometimes quiet your baby should move regularly. If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down or stopped, contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately (it is staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week –
Week 27: If you feel small rhythmic movements your baby may have hiccups.
Week 28: Your baby will have developed a recognisable pattern of waking and sleeping these days.