Trimester 2: What to expect from your health
Now you’ve reached your second trimester, here’s what you can expect from your pregnancy health

You’re now in the second trimester of pregnancy, here are some things you can expect from your pregnancy health in the middle weeks.
Week 13: Your risk of miscarriage drops dramatically so you may want to share your news with more family and friends.
Week 14: Morning sickness should get better from now on as your placenta takes over producing the pregnancy hormones.
Week 15: A dark line down the middle of your tummy is called the linea nigra and should fade once baby is born.
Week 16: You’ll have an antenatal appointment. Your midwife will check your blood pressure and take another urine test. Remember to ask any questions you may have about your next scan at this appointment too. The Whooping Cough vaccine is also offered to all pregnant women between 16-32 weeks of pregnancy.
Week 17: What feels like your tummy rumbling or a light fluttering could be your baby moving. Most first time mums start to notice the first movements between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. If you’ve had a baby before you may feel them earlier.
Week 18: You may find yourself getting a blocked nose and you might snore too – 30% of pregnant women do. It’s because the amount of blood in your body increases making your blood vessels expand, and causing swollen nasal membranes.
Week 19: You may have put on 8-14lbs by now (20-30lbs if you’re expecting twins). If your weight gain to date is more or less than that talk to your midwife about it.
Week 20: At your ‘anomaly scan’ your baby will be measured to make sure their growth is on track. Major organs will be checked for proper development. And amniotic fluid, placenta location, and fetal heart rate will all be examined to be sure baby’s thriving.
Week 21: You could notice that you may have more vaginal discharge than normal. Don’t worry if it is white or clear and thick. But, if it’s watery or has any smell and you’re unsure, do seek advice from your midwife or maternity unit.
Week 22: Your shoes could start to feel tighter if your feet are swollen or you may have puffy ankles so rest up when you can and avoid sitting with your knees higher than your hips e.g. sitting on a squishy sofa.
Week 23: In the last 3 months of pregnancy mums-to-be need an extra 200 calories so get these from nutritious foods rather than sweet treats.
Week 24: If your teeth or bleeding gums give you problems make the most of free dental care and make an appointment.
Week 25: If it’s your first pregnancy you’ll have an antenatal appointment. Your midwife should use a tape measure to measure the size of your uterus, take your blood pressure and test your urine for protein.
Week 26: You’re probably noticing your baby move in different ways now and you might start to notice a foot or an elbow poking out.
Week 27: You’re now in your third trimester. It is still safe to fly, but airlines may ask for a letter from your health professional confirming your due date and that you aren’t at risk of complications.
Week 28: You’ll have an antenatal appointment and as well as the usual checks. Your midwife may also offer more screening tests and consider recommending an iron supplement if you are anaemic.