Trimester 3: What to expect from your health
Now you’ve reached your final trimester, here’s what you can expect from your pregnancy health

You’re now reaching the 29th week of pregnancy and your final trimester. Here are some things you can expect from your pregnancy health in the final few weeks.
Week 29: If you wear contact lenses you may need a break as the moisture in your eyes decreases.
Week 30: You may start getting pins and needles in your hands and feet. This is because the increased fluid you are carrying puts pressure on your joints and nerves.
Week 31: If you’re a first-time mum, you’ll have another antenatal appointment. Your midwife will measure your womb, test your urine and take your blood pressure. All mums have their next antenatal appointment at 34 weeks.
Week 32: You may be noticing Braxton Hicks contractions. This is the name given to the action of your womb contracting and tightening.
Week 33: You may have disturbed sleep from needing to get up to wee more often because your baby is pressing on your bladder! Use lots of pillows to help find comfortable sleeping positions.
Week 34: You’ll have another antenatal appointment and if you’re rhesus negative, you may be offered a second dose of Anti-D.
Week 35: Your feet and ankles may be swollen. If your hands and face start to look puffy too, talk to your midwife or doctor immediately as this could be a sign of pre-eclampsia.
Week 36: At your antenatal appointment your baby’s position will be checked. Bottom downwards is classed as breech, but there’s still time for them to turn before birth.
Week 37: Braxton Hicks may come more frequently now. Although not all mums get them.
Week 38: You’ll have an antenatal appointment and soon you might notice a ‘show’ of mucus-like blood. It’s nothing to worry about, simply a sign that your cervix is starting to open. For first time mums your labour may not start for another week or so. If you’ve had a baby before active labour may be a few hours away.
Week 39: Braxton hicks can be intense towards the end of pregnancy. If your tummy remains hard or the tightenings are regular and painful, contact your midwife or maternity unit for advice.
Week 40: If this is your first baby, you’ll have another antenatal appointment. Be prepared it’s possible that your due date will come and go with no sign of your baby arriving yet!
+40 Weeks: If you go 7-14 days overdue you will be offered induction of labour.