There is nothing quite as unnerving as embarking on parenthood for the first time, so any parents who share their wealth of knowledge and experience to help you on your way is very welcome.
But do be careful of that perfect parent sharing unrealistic pearls of wisdom, who are we kidding, they are telling you downright lies.
Advice is great, but don’t be fooled by the mum who tells you giving birth doesn’t hurt…
- Everyone has a pearl of wisdom to share about parenthood, but watch out for these highly exaggerated lies you may be told

Here are a few common lies told about parenthood you should be weary of...
1. ‘Birth is natural, it’s not painful’
Yes it’s natural, yes giving birth to your baby is a beautiful thing, but it DOES hurt!
2. ‘Every mother is able to breastfeed if she wants to’
There are exceptions, and with the best intentions, some mothers may not always receive the help they need when they need it and feel they are not able to breastfeed.
3. ‘My baby has slept through the night since she was three weeks old’
Or something similar. This is one of the most common lies parents tell. Even if a baby sleeps through one night, it is virtually impossible sleeping through will be consistent at an early age. Of course, every baby is different so if your baby has slept through the night from three weeks old, chances are your the exception not the rule!
4. ‘My little one has been potty trained since nine months’
Similar to the above. If someone says their little one is potty trained young, invite them round with their little one and you can be fairly confident their little genius will wet their pants!

5. ‘Ignore the temper tantrum and it will stop’
Huh? Really? Nice idea, the reality is not always the case and what if the temper tantrum kicks off in the supermarket? A little hard to ignore.
6. ‘Childhood goes by in a flash’
Probably quite true when your children are grown up, but not the reality when you have young children, and are on day three of being cooped up in the house because one has chicken pox and is too unwell to go out and the other is climbing the walls. It can feel like a very long day.