The lowdown on buggies and strollers
Thinking about a buggy or a stroller? Here's what you need to know

A lightweight buggy or stroller has traditionally been used as a second-stage pushchair for older babies and toddlers once they've moved on from their initial pushchair. Many strollers now however, have all the features of these more expensive models but in a more compact size. They're ideal for travel, an urban lifestyle or hopping on and off buses and trains.
What to look for
One of the key features of a stroller or buggy is that it should be easy to fold and open, so try this before you buy. It's also worth checking the manoeuvrability, as you'll be looking for something as nippy as possible, for negotiating busy streets and public transport.
A one-handed fold is also useful if you need to collapse it on public transport and a carry strap if you need to transport it once folded. Traditionally strollers have 'umbrella-folded' into a long narrow shape, many now can fold into increasingly more compact shapes – some even can be carried onto planes as hand luggage!
There isn't often much storage space on a lightweight buggy, so check the size of the shopping basket to see if it's big enough for your needs.
Wheels that can be fixed or left to swivel are useful for manoeuvrability and tackling different terrains.