5 great things about maternity leave
Maternity leave is every pregnant woman’s entitlement, and here’s what you need to know

In the UK, mums can take months off work to enjoy bonding with their new baby. How long you take probably depends largely on those all-important finances. But it’s great to know you can focus on your baby, safe in the knowledge your job should still be there when you go back.
Here are 5 great things about maternity leave:
1. Job security - you can take up to a year off work
2. Start early - you can as early as 11 weeks before you’re due, which is great if you’re feeling super tired
3. For all employees - it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with your employer, how many hours you work or how much you get paid, you still get the time off
4. Appointments too – employers are obliged to give you paid time off for any antenatal care you need. This includes not only medical appointments, but any antenatal and parenting classes recommended by a doctor or midwife
5. Baby bonding - best off all, you get months off work to bond with your new baby
Other maternity rights
When you get pregnant you’re usually entitled to maternity pay, and some mums qualify for extra help from the government too. Then when you go back to work, the government and many employers help reduce the costs of childcare.
Find out more
This is only a quick summary of the highlights – check out more detailed information on MoneyHelper, or the government’s website to see what you do and don’t qualify for. And give your partner a nudge too – now dads share parenting, the government also offers paternity leave.