Select your pregnancy week from the timeline
Select your baby's age in months from the timeline
Select your toddler's age in months from the timeline
Dealing with fussy eaters, hiding veg and making sure your child has a balanced diet
Your pre-schoolers nutrition
Find out what foods your pre-schooler needs and what you can do to make sure their diet is healthy…
Top ten tips for mealtimes
Pre-schooler refusing to eat? Here's a few tips for stress-free mealtimes
I think my child is overweight
An estimated 28% of kids between 2 and 15 are overweight or obese in the UK, putting them at risk of heart disease and a stroke later in life...
Dealing with fussy eaters
Here’s how to deal with fussy eaters and get them experimenting with new foods.
Hiding vegetables
If your child has turned against anything green, don’t despair: you can hide vegetables in all sorts of food so still get their five a day…
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